Whats on the Blog
With Thanksgiving in the books, it’s time for a “full-court press” to Christmas! When Silhouette America asked me to share some Christmas Gift wrap ideas, as usual, my thoughts went to how I could incorporate cutting felt on my Cameo 4 for this project. I...
You may or may not have heard the word “Sublimation” in the crafting circles — and wondered what in the world it is! So, in simple terms, it’s a method of printing that transfers a design into a material or fabric using ink and heat. Sublimation...
I don’t know about the kids in your life, but my grandkids LOVE Chicken Nuggets! Pretty much a staple in their diet — McDonald’s, Chick-Fil-a, Frozen at home — doesn’t seem to matter. So I thought that this design was PERFECT for a shirt for them!
A few weeks ago, I unboxed my original Silhouette Alta & began setting it up, because I wanted to print ear saver hooks for healthcare workers. I have to admit, its been in the box way too long! In the time since then, I’ve literally printed hundreds of hooks, acquired the...
Since we are all experiencing a “Stay At Home” Order, here in Virginia (like many of you) — I am finding myself finally able to check off some of the things on my “I Want to Do” List! One of those things is learn how to use my Silhouette Alta! I have had this...
Its had to believe, but our 9th All Things Silhouette Conference is in the books! After so many months and months of planning & preparation — it seems like the weekend went by so quickly!! It was amazing to see so many of your & our wonderful instructors &...
When I was in Utah for the Cameo 4 launch last month, my friends at Silhouette America hooked me up with one of the very few Rotary blades in the US! I will be teaching this class at the All Things Silhouette Conference next month, and needed time to prepare & do some testing...
I absolutely love my Silhouette Mint. I feel it is often overlooked by its cousins, the Silhouette Cameo and Curio — but I was excited when it was first introduced & still am today! I recently taught the Mint class at the Silhouette Instructor Licensing, and will...