As you may know, cutting machine embroidery appliqué is what brought me into the world of Silhouette! I owned a Brother sewing/embroidery store for 13 years & figured out how to cut your appliqué with a Cameo! That was years ago (before you could import your...

Whats on the Blog
Unique Gift Guide for All Silhouette Users
Dec 06, 2021
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I don't know about your family, but mine is always asking me what I would like for Christmas or birthdays! They all know that I craft & sew -- but have no idea what I have or what I would need! So, I thought I would share with you what I think are some of the Top 5 Unique Gifts...
Cutting Fabric with the Rotary Blade on the Cameo 4
Oct 04, 2019
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When I was in Utah for the Cameo 4 launch last month, my friends at Silhouette America hooked me up with one of the very few Rotary blades in the US! I will be teaching this class at the All Things Silhouette Conference next month, and needed time to prepare & do some testing...